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The non-immigrant (temporary visa) visa classification covers a broad range of visas used to enter the United States for work, pleasure, study, medical treatment, business purpose, students, athletic, temporary workers, religious worker, and government officials, etc.

Some visas are considered 'dual status'; you may attempt to obtain permanent residency (a green card) while under that classification.

Most non-immigrant visas or temporary visa, however, require you establish the demonstration of non-immigrant intent. This means you should demonstrate that you have a permanent residence in your home country that you have no intention of abandoning. The duration of time you may spend in the US can range from a few days to several years, depending on the visa. In most situations, your spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 may accompany you on a derivative visa.

Contact our office today to see what, if any, temporary visa you may be eligible to receive. (480) 275-2407